When it comes to your health and wellness, many terms are thrown around, including holistic.

But what does that mean? How can you take a holistic approach to your health and well-being?

Advanta Health created a holistic solution that covers nearly every facet of wellness, making it one of the most unique, comprehensive, and actionable options for American companies that want to invest in their employees. Strategic partnerships have allowed Advanta to position itself as an industry leader, allowing employers to access a one-stop shop for all things wellness — and the results are powerful.

Americans’ Health Is At Risk – And It’s Affecting Businesses

For years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has urged people to get moving. However, the latest research paints a fairly grim picture. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that healthy adults get at least 20 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise daily and participate in muscle-strengthening activities twice weekly — yet only 28% of people follow these guidelines.1

This lack of exercise tends to go hand-in-hand with poor nutrition, diminishing mental health, and lost productivity in the business world.

One study of 20,000 employees found that those with unhealthy diets were 66% more likely to report lost productivity, and those struggling to exercise were 96% more likely to have increased productivity loss. As Brigham Young University put it, “Expanding employee waistlines could be shrinking company bottom lines.”2

But where do you even begin?

Diving Deeper Into the Term Holistic

Holistic relates to the whole of something or someone — not just individual parts. In the wellness community, this term focuses on bettering one’s life by addressing the needs of the whole individual. For example, exercise and good nutrition can help improve your physical health, while practices like mindfulness can benefit your mental health.

Everything is considered — physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components of your well-being.

This approach can help you achieve and maintain optimal health, affecting all aspects of your life, including your ability to be present, focused, and productive at work.

Companies of all sizes are beginning to see the value in wellness programs, as these solutions directly invest in employees. The healthier and happier employees are, the more likely they will reach their full potential. In the workforce, this could translate to billions of dollars. In the U.S., poor employee health costs around $575 billion yearly due to lost productivity, worker absence, chronic conditions, and injuries — resulting in 1.5 billion days of lost productivity.3

Companies need to take action, but few solutions cover all the bases.

Advanta Health Is the Holistic Solution You Seek

There are plenty of wellness apps and programs, some of which are better than others.

Most focus on one bucket of health-related needs and services. For example, a program may focus heavily on fitness, with some degree of nutritional support. Others focus strictly on mental health. It’s challenging to find a holistic solution that offers it all — and do so in an impactful way. After all, the goal is to drive positive change to achieve meaningful results.

Advanta Health is the all-in-one solution trusted by 3100+ organizations. Whether employees are taking advantage of on-demand and live fitness classes, trying out one of the thousands of healthy recipes, or taking advantage of stress-relieving mindfulness programs, this investment helps them become the best version of themselves both in and outside work.

The goal is to build a healthier workforce, encouraging positive change one step at a time. With Advanta, individuals are incentivized to improve their health. Everyone wins.

Partnerships That Take Our Holistic Solution to the Next Level

Advanta Health is committed to helping Americans get moving, eat better, and improve their quality of life. The technology offered constantly evolves, bringing members the latest resources, virtual content, and support. However, Advanta Health is more than a fitness and wellness solution changing lives and the business landscape.

Advanta Health continuously innovates, seeking strategic partnerships to remain the leading holistic health solution. In May 2023, Advanta Health announced an exciting partnership with Life Time, the nation’s premier lifestyle brand. Advanta’s ActiveFit+ members can now access thousands of live-streamed and on-demand fitness classes.

Another incredible advancement is Advanta’s personalized movement solutions to target musculoskeletal (MSK) health. Partnering with movr, the experts in movement health, allows you to offer tailored programs that focus on reducing the total market cost of MSK dysfunction, which is $44 billion in the United States alone.4

Seeking partnerships that help members reach their unique goals across every wellness component is another way Advanta Health prioritizes holistic solutions.

Learn More About Advanta Health’s Holistic Solution

Understanding the value of optimal wellness within your company is the first stepping stone toward greater productivity and a healthier ROI. Let Advanta Health help you take the next crucial step, offering an easy-to-use solution to pursue a healthier workplace. Request a demo today!



1. Plan 30-Day Challenges

A work-appropriate 30-day challenge could be anything from 30 days of journaling to 30 days of squats to 30-days of yoga. Challenges help motivate the whole office to engage in something new, build better habits, and care for their physical and emotional wellness. It can take between 18 and 254 days to create a new habit – so sometimes the activity your team practices on a 30-day challenge will end up sticking, and sometimes it won’t – but that isn’t really the point.

Friendly competition, trying new things, and the camaraderie of taking on a challenge will all help boost the mood of everyone in the office. You can increase everyone’s engagement by allowing team members to vote on the next 30-day challenge at the end of every month.

2. Create a Quiet Area

A quiet room may improve morale and productivity if your office is an open plan, semi-open plan, or uses hotdesking. Quiet rooms allow team members to think things through without distraction, practice mindfulness or meditation, pray, or just get away when they feel stressed. Having this area will reduce work stress and improve how your employees feel about their environment.

3. Cancel Your Plant Watering Service

A green office is better than a lean office. According to multiple studies, having plants in the office improves employee mental health and productivity.

But why not take it a step further? Engaging with plants by caring for them magnifies the existing effects of having greenery in the office. So, ask the cleaners not to water the plants, and work with the team to build a rota or put together a ‘green fingers committee’ to keep the pot plants healthy and develop their gardening skills.

4. Offer Group Mindfulness and Yoga

You probably know that yoga and mindfulness are great mental wellness activities. So why not bring them into the office? We often get tied up at work and miss an intended yoga class, don’t get out in time to practice mindfulness before dinner, or skip the gym even though we promised we’d go today.

Everyone can join in with a session if you bring a practitioner into the office at lunchtime. Mindfulness and yoga are some of the most popular, relaxing options, but gym classes, dance classes, or a visiting physio or masseuse would be wonderful for workplace emotional wellness as well.

5. Create Office Wellness Teams

Autonomy at work increases both mental health and longevity. So why not give employees more autonomy at the same time as building a program for workplace wellness? By encouraging everyone in the office to get involved in workplace organizational groups like a social committee, an events committee, and a mental health team, you are increasing health, happiness, and productivity within your workplace.

6. Allow Mental Health Days

Emotional wellness activities can be about helping others as well as ourselves. Like mental health days, volunteer days are a great base for employee benefit, mental health and emotional wellness in the workplace.

Volunteering has been shown to reduce stress and increase happiness. Doing it as a team will also build bonds with colleagues and create positive memories together. You might want to find local charities to focus on or allow suggestions from the team so everyone can share their passions and give back to an organization they really care about.

7. Build in Volunteer Days

Poor mental health can be a spiral. Depression is higher in millennials (who make up a large chunk of the workforce) than in the rest of the population. Why not break the cycle by offering no-questions-asked PTO for mental health days? Some businesses have even seen success by insisting everyone takes one or two mental health days a quarter to minimize the stigma around using them.

8. Share Meals Together

In a study of firefighters, sharing meals in the workplace increased team performance and acted as ‘social glue.’ Whether you’re fighting fires, shuffling numbers, or working on a hot new startup, social time and shared healthy meals could improve emotional wellness in your workplace.

It’s a chance to showcase favorite foods, share cultures, and explore how a nutritious meal can increase productivity. Choosing one day a week, or just once a month, for a work lunch is a great way to open the door to the community and its mental health benefits. Plus, we have to eat! Making food into an emotional wellness activity means it is folded into the workday.

9. Make Walking Meetings the Norm

Just 15 minutes of exercise per day increases lifespan and boosts mental wellness. How long do you and your team spend sitting in meetings? More than 15 minutes per day, I’d wager. So, why not meet and move?

As well as increasing mental health, walking has been shown to boost creativity by up to 100%. If you clarify to the team that this is company policy, you’ll soon find nearby routes to meander as you make moves.

10. Conduct Employee Satisfaction Surveys… Then Act on Them

Most companies carry out employee satisfaction surveys. But few do it well. If you carry out a survey, your employees will see it as a promise to act on their concerns. If you don’t, their trust in the company will drop, and so will their emotional wellness at work.

On the other hand, if you make changes based on the feedback, your employees will feel heard, listened to, and happier at work. Consider all this when you design your surveys – don’t ask questions you will ignore, and ask for actionable advice.

11. Offer Rewards for Positive Emotional Wellness Decisions

You’re more likely to see results when you offer your employees the option to track their emotional wellness activities. And if you offer rewards for progress, it will push the team to actively engage with their personal tracking data and stay on top of building positive new habits.

Remember how helpful a 30-day challenge can be? Tracking positive changes is like an ongoing personal challenge for each team member.

Final Thoughts on Emotional Wellness at Work

Work doesn’t have to be a chore.

We spend tens of thousands of hours at our jobs throughout our lives – so why not make sure your team feels better rather than worse after a day at the office?

As a leader, implementing emotional wellness activities will deliver you an invigorated workforce, a lower turnover rate, and the recruitment power lent to businesses by a good reputation.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us to schedule a demo with Advanta Health Solutions today and take the first step towards an emotionally and physically healthy team and a thriving workplace.