Most Americans aren’t getting enough exercise. As their health diminishes, their employers often pay the price. Considering that less than a third of U.S. adults meet the suggested muscle-building and aerobic exercise benchmarks, something needs to change.1

Companies nationwide are investing in wellness programs based on the clear benefits surrounding productivity and performance.2 However, many of these programs lack data-driven insights — and the journey to optimal health is anything but a one-size-fits-all approach.

Advanta Health ticks so many boxes concerning effective, flexible solutions. The power of data has a lot to do with that. Data analytics ensure employees and employers make the changes needed to support optimal health and a more profitable bottom line.

Here is how data can support a healthier workplace for years to come.

Data and wellness — what’s the link?

Initially, many companies bought into wellness programs to cut costs associated with future illnesses, surgeries, and costly interventions — and rightfully so. The Harvard Business Review found that for every $1 invested in people, $6 is saved in company health care costs. This benefit is significant, yet it is not the only advantage. Companies now realize greater, long-term value from good employee health, including performance, productivity, engagement, safety, and retention.3

However, not all programs are created equal, and data plays a significant role. Comprehensive digital health and wellness platforms are changing the game, especially in business. Most employees need to get involved for wellness programs to be effective and yield a high ROI — which is where data comes into play.

There are several reasons for this, but the relationship between data and greater wellness is primarily based on hyper-personalization. This approach is the secret sauce of any successful wellness program. The more personalized a wellness program is, the more likely the participant will benefit. Data supports personalized prevention and well-being strategies, helping each member protect their current health. Individual improvements can accumulate across an organization, leading to a healthier bottom line. After all, optimal health is an investment in human capital.

So, what’s the problem?

Personalization for optimal wellness is essential, as it drives behavioral changes. The challenge is how to personalize effectively.

Many companies struggle to find programs customized for their organizations. Personalized for each individual is even more difficult for employers to find. Every employee is different, which is vital to understand — not only concerning each user’s unique health needs, but also their willingness to engage.

Without data-driven personalization, participants can quickly lose motivation, miss out on individualized strategies, and disengage. No one benefits from that scenario.

Investing in journey analytics

Big data has transformed industries like eCommerce and finance. Now, it’s impacting movement health when implemented effectively. The issue is that many programs don’t account for the power of data. They lack the personalized movement health assessments, recommendations, and data insights that drive change.

Advanta Health is a leader in this space for that reason. For example, users can measurably improve their movements and feelings based on their personalized assessments and recommendations. For journey analytics, Advanta is a force multiplier. Offering the opportunity to overlay real-time member health data in one place lets users implement the best behavior changes for them. The ability to connect multiple data sets is a rare but crucial feature.

Advanta’s solutions are compatible with Garmin Health, Apple Health Kit, Fitbit, Google Fit, and Withings, so members can easily monitor their progress and get going. While using Advanta’s ActiveFit+ app, each member can track and monitor their activities and facilities. They can set and track monthly goals, earn credits, and gain ongoing support — whether related to physical or mental health. Awareness surrounding progress is based on valuable analytics.

How detailed analytics support Advanta’s partners

Once companies partner with Advanta, they gain access to comprehensive statistics that help monitor company-wide trends to see how team members are progressing. This data allows companies to pivot to enhance their wellness offerings, lower healthcare expenses, and attract and retain a productive workforce. As you boost, track, and reward your team for pursuing optimal health, you simultaneously invest in your company’s future.

On its backend, Advanta connects millions of data points every second. The goal is to connect employers and employees better. For example, validated participation can result in incentives that boost inspiration, morale, and performance. As employers learn more about what’s working and what’s not, they can continue to customize their wellness programs to ensure optimal results. Everyone in this scenario wins, and that’s a powerful thing.

Want to see how you can supercharge your health and wellness plan? Are you ready to access technology that makes it easy for your members to track their fitness and for you to monitor the trends within your company? Request a demo today!
