We recently surveyed our ActiveFit members and received over 4,000 responses.

The ActiveFit Impact:

  • 68% of ActiveFit users reported using the platform for more than one year
  • 89% of users reported an overall satisfaction rating of 4/5 or 5/5
  • 91% of users reported that financial incentives were their main motivator in using the platform

Measurably Improving Health

  • Overall health scores from this population improved by 20% (an average of 3.42/5 before and 4.27/5 after) before and after using ActiveFit.

Click here to download the 2024 Member Survey.

In addition to the data collected about the health outcome improvements we are driving, we had several members share their feedback with us.

“I love the ActiveFit program as it encourages me to stay healthy daily. It is achievable, simple and earning money for taking care of yourself is quite the incentive!”

“The workout from home part has been a great addition. Some days I don’t make it to the gym, but I work out in my home gym, so that incentive has been great!”

“The app is very easy to use and provides good tips. I can easily track my steps with it and see what days in the calendar I am most active and when I need to walk more.”

“ActiveFit supports my healthy lifestyle goals and rewards me for doing so. It works seamlessly with my Fitbit and the app is easy to use/navigate.”

Advanta’s ActiveFit wellness incentivization platform is proven to drive healthy behaviors and promote physical and mental wellbeing with validated, industry-leading member engagement.