It’s well-understood how crucial activity is for your physical and mental health, so why are there so many inactive people?

Those who are insufficiently active face a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to those who are active. Yet globally, one in four adults doesn’t meet the recommended levels of physical activity.1

Health experts are urging people to take a simple “just move” approach — and Advanta Health is stepping in to make that possible for both employees and employers. A more simplistic approach is helping Americans change the game when aiming to prioritize and improve their health. Those who have already partnered with Advanta Health are seeing how advantageous a simple, flexible solution can be — there’s no need to overthink it.

Advanta has done all the heavy lifting — all you need to do is say “yes” to better health. Get up and running with a health and wellness program that benefits everyone.

Poor Employee Health Is Costly

Poor health significantly impacts the personal lives of Americans and the healthcare system, but the negative consequences of inactivity also trickle into the workforce. Lost productivity is one of the main areas of concern. Around the world, researchers see a clear relationship between poor employee well-being andhealth-related productivity loss.² Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, many employers remain unaware of this link.

Those not investing in employee health are falling victim to indirect costs. Absenteeism, reduced work, and disability are all variables that can be several times more expensive than direct medical costs. For example, the cost of obesity, including absenteeism and medical expenses, for a company with 1,000 employees is estimated to be $277,000 annually.3

Health organizations recommend workplace health programs to reduce, prevent, and better manage conditions affecting worker productivity. These programs should address physical, mental, and emotional well-being to improve focus, concentration, and work output.

But Getting Started Can Be Tough

Even when employers or wellness managers are aware of the relationship between health and work output, getting started with a program that works is often challenging. The last thing they want to do is invest in a solution that isn’t much of a “solution” at all.

Some programs are difficult to launch, and employees don’t use them once implemented.


Because they’re a lot like the other programs out there — they’re complicated or inflexible, making them unappealing to most employees. If a program is too complex or doesn’t offer solutions that appeal to everyone, the program could fall short. It’s hard to find wellness programs that work for everyone.

More importantly, most wellness programs lack one crucial component — a reward system. Losing weight or lowering cholesterol is an immense reward, but it’s not immediate enough. People respond better when they receive instant gratification for staying the course.

Advanta Health Created a Simplistic Solution That Works

Wellness plans must be simple for everyone to create a stronger, more productive workforce. Administrators need to be able to launch a program with ease. Once offered to employees, people need to find it simple and versatile enough to use. If either of these parties finds the program too challenging to launch or use, the company will never see a good return on its investment.

The mission behind Advanta Health’s wellness programs is as simple as it is to use — get and keep people moving.

Programs powered by ActiveFit+ can be completed anytime, anywhere, and by anyone. No matter where people are in their wellness journey, they will benefit from the program. A mom returning from maternity leave may gravitate toward on-demand yoga classes; a fitness enthusiast may love the advanced tracking capabilities; and someone struggling with ongoing anxiety will benefit from mental health classes and may then become more receptive to the hundreds of trainer-led virtual fitness classes.

Making Wellness Simple and Achievable

Once companies partner with Advanta Health, the rest is history. Everything is handled after submitting an eligible population and attending an onboarding call. Once launched, little to no ongoing maintenance is required from your HR team. Each partner receives a custom hub for their employee wellness program. There, members can easily track their progress, access content, and get inspired.

Advanta’s solution integrates with major health kits, including Fitbit, Samsung Health, Apple Health, and more, to create greater simplicity for members. Plus, the simple interface makes user interaction a breeze.

We help members track their physical and mental exercises to visualize their progress, earn credits, and unlock rewards. These incentives are up to each company and may include anything from monthly cash bonuses to HSA contributions.

As one of our members said, “I love the ActiveFit program as it encourages me to stay healthy daily. It is achievable and simple, and earning money for taking care of yourself is quite the incentive!”

Then there are the data-driven insights. Thanks to detailed analytics, partners can monitor company-wide trends to see how teams progress. It doesn’t get any more simple than that.

Want to see the possibilities of optimal workplace wellness in action? Request a demo today!