Independently Validated “Best In Class” for User Interactions & Engagement
2023 Validation Report: Findings & Validation
By way of background, the wellness industry is known for two things:
- Low engagement, which is why the industry as a whole is shrinking and consolidating, with Interactive Health entering Chapter 7 and Limeade being acquired for 90% less than its peak stock price
- Serious integrity issues when it comes to presenting outcomes. Here is the earliest example. An entire website is devoted to identifying the fabricated outcomes made by vendors. (Just enter the name of a vendor in the “search.”)
- As a result and because of our unique Credibility Guarantee, wellness vendor and wellness platform vendors require extra scrutiny before validation is conferred. That is why even though wellness and platform vendors comprise the plurality of all vendors, they account for only a small minority of validations.
- Having performed this scrutiny, VI is able to confer validation on Advanta for member engagement for two key metrics:
- Advanta has the highest ratio of active users to enrolled users that we are familiar with. For the full year of 2022, 65% of all enrolled users completed at least one activity.
- Advanta also has the highest number of interactions (181) per active user that we have seen.